Low Back Sprain and Strain: Causes, Symptoms, and Chiropractic Solutions

Low back or lumbar sprains and strains are common musculoskeletal injuries. Pain can range from mild to significant and may restrict your daily activities. In this blog, we’ll dive into what lumbar sprains and strains are, their causes, and symptoms, and how chiropractic care can help you find relief.

What Is the Difference Between a Lumbar Sprain and a Strain?

  1. Lumbar Sprain: Ligaments are strong, fibrous tissues that connect bone to bone, providing stability to your spine. Sprains often result from sudden or forceful movements that exceed the ligament’s normal range of motion and cause damage. A lumbar sprain occurs when the ligaments in your lower back stretch or tear.
  2. Lumbar Strain: Lumbar strains involve the over-stretching or tearing of muscles and tendons in the lower back. Muscles and tendons are responsible for facilitating movement of the spine.

Common Causes of Lumbar Sprain and Strain:

  1. Injuries: Car accidents, falls, slips, etc., can cause a sudden over-stretching of the ligaments, muscles, or tendons of the spine.
  2. Sudden Movements: Abrupt twisting or lifting of heavy objects can strain or sprain the lower back muscles and ligaments.
  3. Repetitive Activities: Activities that involve repetitive motions, such as heavy lifting, frequent bending, or sports can increase the risk of lumbar injuries over time.
  4. Poor Posture: Prolonged sitting or standing with poor posture can lead to overuse injuries, especially if your lower back is not adequately supported.
  5. Weak Core Muscles: A weak core can lead to instability in the lower back, making it more susceptible to injuries when lifting or bending.

Symptoms of Lumbar Sprain and Strain:

  1. Pain: The most common symptom is localized lower back pain, which can range from mild to severe.
  2. Muscle Spasms: You may experience muscle spasms in the lower back, which will worsen the pain.
  3. Limited Range of Motion: Reduced mobility and stiffness in the lower back.

Chiropractic Care for Lumbar Sprain and Strain:

Chiropractors can treat many musculoskeletal conditions, including lumbar sprains and strains. Here’s how chiropractic care can help:

  1. Spinal Adjustments: Chiropractic adjustments can restore proper alignment and range of motion to the spine, reducing pressure on the injured area and promoting healing.
  2. Soft Tissue Therapy: Chiropractors can use techniques like myofascial release to alleviate muscle tension and reduce pain.
  3. Strengthening Exercises: Chiropractors may recommend specific exercises to strengthen the spine and core and improve stability, reducing the risk of future injuries.
  4. Posture and Ergonomics: Chiropractors can provide guidance on maintaining proper posture and ergonomic practices to prevent further strain on the lower back.

Lumbar sprains and strains can be painful and limit your daily activities. Chiropractic care offers an approach to helping your body recover naturally. If you’re experiencing lower back pain or suspect a lumbar sprain or strain, consult Flynn Chiropractic for a personalized treatment plan that can lead you on the path to recovery.

Does The Pop During A Chiropractic Adjustment Matter?

There are many different types of chiropractic adjustment styles. Examples include manual hands-on, flexion-distraction, drop tables, and instrument-assisted. While some adjustments produce an audible “pop” or “crack,” others do not.

Have you ever wondered about the significance of the “popping” sound that often accompanies chiropractic adjustments? Several research studies have explored the distinction between adjustments that produce a cracking sound and those that don’t. The findings reveal that the popping sound itself holds no bearing on the outcomes of the adjustment. Whether an adjustment produces a pop or not, there is no difference in terms of immediate, short-term, or long-term pain relief. Furthermore, improvements in disability and range of motion were found to be consistent across different types of adjustments. The table below summarizes the research studies.

Research Shows No Significant Difference Between Adjustments That Produce a Pop and Those That Don’t.

Different forms of adjusting did not lead to different outcomes in older low back pain patients. 1
No differences in pain or disability between groups were found for thrust manipulation versus non-thrust.2
There is no relationship between the number of audible pops during thoracic spine thrust manipulation and improvements in pain, disability, or range of motion. Additionally, a greater number of audible pops experienced was not associated with a dramatic improvement. 3
A perceived audible pop may not relate to improved outcomes for patients with low back pain at either an immediate or longer-term follow-up. 4
There is no relationship between an audible pop and improvement in range of motion, pain, or disability in individuals with low back pain. Additionally, the occurrence of a pop did not improve the odds of a dramatic improvement. 5
Currently there is little scientific evidence to support any therapeutic benefit derived from the audible pop and in fact, it appears the available evidence tends to refute many of the alleged beneficial effects. 6

It’s worth noting that the characteristic “popping” sound isn’t the result of joints snapping back into place. Rather, the sound originates from the rapid release of healthy gases within the joint during certain types of manual hands-on adjustments. However, there are chiropractic techniques designed to restore joint motion without generating a popping sound. Examples include flexion-distraction, drop tables, and instrument-assisted approaches. I have always used low-force adjustments because they are easy on me and the patient.

Exploring the Benefits of Low-Force Adjustments

1. Gentleness and Reduced Pain: One of the key advantages of low-force adjustments is their gentle nature, often resulting in less discomfort compared to more forceful techniques. The reduced intensity makes them a viable option for individuals who might be hesitant to undergo traditional manual adjustments.

2. Tolerated Well By All Ages: Some people can not tolerate the force used in manual adjustments. As we age the spine becomes arthritic which can make cracking style adjustments uncomfortable.

3. Precision and Consistency: Instruments used in low-force adjustments offer a consistent thrust and speed with each application. In contrast, chiropractors performing manual adjustments may experience fatigue throughout the day, affecting the precision of their adjustments. Low-force methods help maintain uniformity and accuracy.

4. Enhanced Patient Relaxation: Some individuals find it challenging to relax during the cracking style neck adjustments that involve twisting of their head. Low-force techniques, such as flexion-distraction, drop tables, and instruments, eliminate this concern. Most of these methods do not require neck twisting, promoting a more relaxed and comfortable experience for patients.

The world of chiropractic adjustments encompasses diverse styles, yet all aim to restore proper joint function and reduce pain and disability. The audible popping sound during adjustments is not an indicator of success, as studies show that both popping and non-popping adjustments yield similar outcomes. Low-force techniques, on the other hand, present a range of benefits including reduced pain, suitability for various patients, and enhanced precision.

  • 1. A randomized controlled trial comparing 2 types of spinal manipulation and minimal conservative medical care for adults 55 years and older with subacute or chronic low back pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2009 Jun;32(5):330-43. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2009.04.012.
  • 2. No Differences in Outcomes in People with Low Back Pain Who Met the Clinical Prediction Rule for Lumbar Spine Manipulation When a Pragmatic Non-thrust Manipulation Was Used as the Comparator. Physiother Can. 2014 Fall;66(4):359-66. doi: 10.3138/ptc.2013-49.
  • 3. The audible pop from thoracic spine thrust manipulation and its relation to short-term outcomes in patients with neck pain. J Man Manip Ther. 2007;15(3):143-54.
  • 4. The audible pop from high-velocity thrust manipulation and outcome in individuals with low back pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2006 Jan;29(1):40-5
  • 5. The audible pop is not necessary for successful spinal high-velocity thrust manipulation in individuals with low back pain. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2003 Jul;84(7):1057-60.
  • 6. THE THERAPEUTIC BENEFIT OF THE AUDIBLE RELEASE ASSOCIATED WITH SPINAL MANIPULATIVE THERAPY. A Critical Review of the Literature. Australas Chiropr Osteopathy.1998 Jul; 7(2): 80–85.
  • 7. Chiroup

Low Back Pain Myths And Facts

Low back pain (LBP) is the leading cause of disability worldwide. It is important to remember low back pain can be a normal experience in life. About 80% of Americans will have low back pain at some point in their lives.

“Unhelpful beliefs about LBP are associated with greater levels of pain, disability, missed work, medication use and healthcare seeking. Unhelpful beliefs are common in people with and without LBP, and can be reinforced by the media, industry groups and well-meaning clinicians.1” How many of these myths do you believe? How many of the facts do you believe? Belief in the facts will help you recover and function better. Sometimes it is hard to give up the belief in the myths. I admit there was a time I used to believe myths 6,7, and 8.


The Facts

Low back pain is almost always due to non-threatening causes. Low back pain is rarely an emergency. It is an emergency when there is a loss of bowel or bladder control, worsening weakness or numbness in legs, inner thigh, groin, or buttocks, sudden or gradually paralysis/difficulty walking, or occurring with a fever. 

Most episodes of LBP tend to improve and it does not get worse as we age.

Think your LBP is caused by tissue damage? Think again. Believing “you will have to live with it” because your back is damaged and avoiding activity because you don’t want to make it worse, actually causes more pain than tissue damage.

People tend to place too much importance on x-rays and MRIs. They can show you what the spine looks like. They cannot determine the prognosis of your current episode of back pain or tell you the likelihood of future episodes of low back pain. They have not been shown to improve LBP treatment outcomes. They are a tool that works best when combined with a proper exam and history. It is well known that people without any history of LBP will have degenerative, bulging, or herniated discs on MRI.

Pain with movement is not a warning sign that you need to stop. This is one of the most common and harmful myths that I see. It’s very common in people with chronic pain. They fear exercise will make the pain worse, so they avoid all exercise, which unfortunately leads to more pain in the long run. Avoiding exercise leads to deconditioning, weakness, and stiffness. Movement and exercise are key components in helping low back pain.

People are always looking to improve their posture to prevent pain. They should be focused more on consistently changing their position. Any position held for too long can cause pain, even positions with perfect posture. The body was designed to move, not sit or stand in the same position for hours at a time.

People with a strong core can have back pain. While it is good if you have strong core muscles. It is also helpful to relax them when they aren’t needed.

Bending, lifting, and carrying can be safe when you start off slow and gradually increase weight and time as you adapt. Injuries occur when we do too much too fast after doing too little for too long.

Pain flare-ups are not fun, but they are normal. They are not sign of tissue damage. They can occur when doing a new activity that you aren’t used to or when doing a repetitive activity when your body is fatigued.

Effective care for back pain includes such things as engaging in physical activity and exercise, social activities, healthy sleep habits, healthy body weight, and remaining in employment.  

If you suffer from low back pain, stay positive, stay active, and seek safe and affordable non-drug options including chiropractic. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective way to treat back pain.

Sean Flynn, DC
Sioux City, IA Chiropractor

  1. https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2019/12/31/bjsports-2019-101611.abstract#article-bottom
  2. Chiroup

Avoid Computer Pain When Working At Home.

Thanks to improved remote working technology and 24/7 connectivity, employee demand for flexibility, and cost-savings opportunities, 60 percent of companies offer to telecommute, working remotely from home on an occasional or regular basis, according to the latest benefits survey from the Society for Human Resource Management. American employees are taking advantage.

Two decades ago, only 20 percent of companies offered it. A 2016 report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that more employees are working from home than ever before.

In a Gallup poll released earlier this year, 43 percent of Americans said they spent at least some time working remotely. Combine this with the increase of entrepreneurs and people that run an online business out of their home; it seems this trend will only continue to grow.

Working from the comforts of your home is not always best for your joints and muscles. While some who work from home have a separate home office with a desk, desktop computer, and comfortable chair, many do not. A more typical setup up is the person slouched over a laptop on their couch or at the kitchen table. Some people even use their laptop while lying in bed. Improper laptop use can lead to various musculoskeletal issues.

The most important tip when working from home is to have a designated workstation with a comfortable office chair. While this would preferably be a height adjustable desk, not everyone has space or budget to have a freestanding desk in their home. If that is the case, then set up your workstation on a stable flat surface such as a kitchen/dining table or a countertop.

Your chair should be adjustable so you can get the proper body positioning and height when sitting, especially if you’re using a surface that is not height adjustable.

If you have a desktop computer at home, the top of the monitor screen should be at eye level.  It should be placed at least 20 inches from your eyes or about arms length away.  If you have armrests on you chair it will help decrease neck and upper back strain.  You arms should be close to your body and elbows bent at a 90 degree angle.  Your wrist should be in line with your forearms when typing and the mouse should be close by the keyboard.  If you have to reach for the keyboard or mouse it increases strain. 

Fewer people have desktop computers outside of their office as laptop computers have become more popular for their portability. Unfortunately, certain ergonomic features are compromised for the sake of portability. Keyboard spacing, screen size and positioning, and mouse touch pads are all poorly designed when it comes to laptop computers. Furthermore, it is nearly impossible to have good posture when using a keyboard fixed to the laptop.

Computer vector created by freepik – www.freepik.com

With laptops the keyboard and monitor are attached to each other, so you can not have the keyboard at the proper height for your arms and have the screen at the proper height for your eyes at the same time.

If you have to look down at the screen all day it can lead to neck, upper back, and shoulder pain and produce a rounded hunched posture. Remember, the screen should be at a level that your eyes are in line with the top portion of the monitor while maintaining proper posture. As laptops tend towards smaller and smaller devices, the keyboard gets smaller and is not ideal for typing, and can place strain on the hands, wrists, and forearms.

If you put the laptop in a position where the screen is at a proper height it then forces you to reach for the keyboard to type. This again causes the rounded sitting posture and puts excessive stress on the shoulders, upper body and neck.

Despite the poor ergonomics inherent to laptops, there are certain steps you can take to improve your ergonomics when using a laptop.

  • You can get an inexpensive full sized wireless keyboard and mouse for your laptop.
  • Place a stand underneath the laptop so that the screen is at the optimal height that aligns with your eyes.
  • There are affordable stand up desk converters that you can place on top of your desk or table to make it into a standing desk. This is perfect for laptop users as you can easily go from seated to standing. 
  • Take a break every hour. Get up and move around.

Creating a better ergonomic home environment is easy if you follow the steps we have outlined above. Doing so will help improve productivity and the quality of your work, but will also help prevent stress and injury.

Sean Flynn, DC
Sioux City, IA Chiropractor


Lumbar Facet Syndrome

The facets are located on the left and right side of the back of each vertebra.  Facet syndrome means that your facet joint has become irritated and inflamed.  This can be caused by sprains, strains, or joints that are not moving properly. People are more likely to develop facet syndrome if they have suffered an injury, overuse their back, have arthritis, or are overweight.

The symptoms of lumbar facet syndrome are felt on one side of your low back and may radiate into your flank, hip, and thigh. Symptoms of facet syndrome usually do not go past your knee. The pain may come and go. Your pain may increase when you arch backwards or return to an upright position after bending forward.  Many patients report relief when they sit or lie down.

Chiropractic adjustments help relieve lumbar facet syndrome by opening the joint spaces, restoring motion, and breaking up adhesion between the joints. 

Flynn Chiropractic
2300 Hamilton Blvd
Sioux City, IA 51104
(712) 224-2747


Sciatica is pain down the back of the leg that follows the path of the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body.  The pain can occur with or without lower back pain and may travel from the buttock, down the back of the thigh and calf, and into the foot.  

Symptoms can be mild to severe and may include aching, burning, sharp, shooting, or dull pain, numbness or tingling.  With increasing compression, people may have a loss of sensation or muscle strength.  You may notice an increase of pain while coughing, sneezing, straining, and sitting. Symptoms can occur suddenly or gradually over time.

Sciatica is caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve. Common causes include herniated or bulging discs, degenerative discs, stenosis, piriformis syndrome, or spondylolisthesis.

Sciatica can be extremely painful and worrisome, but it is also treatable. Very few cases will require surgery. It can respond well to conservative treatments like chiropractic. In this office, I use a special adjustment, Cox Flexion Distraction, that lowers disc pressure and creates space for the irritated nerves. It has been shown to be more effective than an exercise program for relieving leg pain.1

An at home exercise that can help is nerve flossing. Irritated nerves are more sensitive to pressure and are wider than normal nerves due to swelling. This sciatic nerve flossing technique can help decrease pain and improve the mobility of the sciatic nerve. Flossing may release adhesions along the path of the nerve.

Do the flossing on the painful side. Do 10 repetitions or about 30 seconds. Start with your chin tucked to your chest and knee flexed. Then look up to the ceiling as you extend your leg. Then return to the starting position. The movements are the same for the side lying position. You may feel a stretch but you should not feel an increase in pain. Stop immediately if this causes an increase in your symptoms. If your sciatic nerve is very irritated, you may have to wait for the irritation to lessen before attempting this move.

Call the office if you need help and you are tired of letting sciatica stop you from doing the things you want to do.

Sean Flynn, DC
Sioux City, IA Chiropractor

  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16341712

Lumbar Stenosis

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Sioux City Chiropractor

Lumbar stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal in your lower back.  The narrowing can put pressure on the spinal cord and nerves.  It most commonly occurs in those over the age of 50.  It can be caused by wear and tear, injuries, and age-related changes such as degenerative discs, ligamentous thickening, or spinal arthritis. 

Symptoms can include chronic lower back pain that may radiate into the buttocks or legs.  Numbness, burning, fatigue, weakness, and heaviness may occur in the legs.  Symptoms are aggravated by standing and walking. 

Sitting or bending forward when standing decreases the pain.  Many will find leaning forward on a shopping cart decreases the pain and allows them to walk longer in stores. Those with stenosis may find sleeping on their sides in the fetal position is more comfortable than sleeping on their back. 

Surgery has not been shown to be significantly better than non-surgical treatments, so it is best to try conservative methods such as chiropractic first. Chiropractic treatment goals include restoring mobility, improving function, and decompressing nerves.  Forceful adjustments may increases symptoms for those with stenosis so it is important to use gentle adjustments.  Flexion-distraction is a low force adjustment that has been proven to increase the area in the spinal canal during adjustments, which takes the pressure off the nerves.  

A study comparing the effectiveness of nonsurgical treatment methods in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis looked at 3 nonsurgical interventions. Medical care consisted of medications and/or epidural injections provided by a physiatrist. Group exercise classes were supervised by fitness instructors in senior community centers. Manual therapy/individualized exercise consisted of spinal mobilization, stretches, and strength training provided by chiropractors and physical therapists. The care provided by the chiropractors and physical therapists resulted in greater short-term improvement in symptoms and physical function and walking capacity than medical care or group exercise.1

In addition to in-office care it is also important to do at-home exercises. Water aerobics and exercise bikes are tolerable for those with stenosis. The following stretches can help provide relief for lumbar stenosis. It is best to consult your doctor before beginning any exercise routine. Stop immediately if the stretch causes an increase in your symptoms.

Knee To Chest Stretch Sioux City Chiropractor
Seated Lumbar Flexion Sioux City Chiropractor
Sciatic Nerve Floss. Seated and Side Lying.
Cat Camel Stretch

This article is for education purposes and is not intended to replace diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare provider.

Sean Flynn, DC
Sioux City, IA Chiropractor

  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30646197