Feel Better Faster With Laser

Low-Level Laser Therapy

At Flynn Chiropractic, is thrilled to introduce our latest tool in pain management: the PainBuster® super pulsed laser. This cutting-edge, non-invasive treatment is designed to provide fast, effective relief from pain and inflammation. A growing body of research supports low-level laser therapy as an effective, non-invasive alternative for pain relief.

Low-level lasers used in pain treatment emit low levels of light that penetrate the skin without causing heat or damage. This light energy is absorbed by cells, triggering a series of physiological responses.

Laser therapy works through several mechanisms. It stimulates the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of cells, which enhances cellular function and promotes tissue repair. It reduces inflammation by inhibiting inflammatory enzymes and promoting the release of anti-inflammatory molecules. It helps to decrease pain perception by blocking pain signals in the nerves and increasing the production of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. It increases blood flow to the area being treated.

The PainBuster® Super Pulsed Laser

The PainBuster® uses a 905nm infrared laser. The 905nm wavelength can penetrate deep into tissues, making it effective for treating conditions that require treatment at deeper levels, such as joint or muscle pain. It also has 2 luminescent diodes of 875nm and 635nm. Together the 3 different wavelengths of light are delivered precisely and efficiently into the target area, which helps to reduce inflammation, accelerate tissue repair, and alleviate pain.

The PainBuster® laser is an FDA-registered device for use with:

  • Muscle pain
  • Joint pain
  • Arthritis
  • Muscle spasm
  • Relieving stiffness and promoting relaxation of muscle tissue
  • Temporarily increasing local blood circulation

Benefits of The PainBuster® Laser:

  • Safe: Painless and well-tolerated by most patients.
  • Effective Pain Relief: The laser can target pain at its source. Many patients experience significant pain reduction after just a few sessions. Chronic conditions and those with severe pain may need 10-15 treatments for good results.
  • Non-Invasive: No medication, injections, or surgery required.
  • Versatile: Effective for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions

Combining laser therapy with chiropractic adjustments provides a more effective and comprehensive approach to managing and treating musculoskeletal conditions. Laser therapy, when used alongside chiropractic care, can accelerate healing, reduce inflammation quicker, and alleviate pain faster than chiropractic care alone. This safe and non-invasive treatment option is highly effective for managing pain, musculoskeletal injuries, and joint disorders.

Frequently asked laser questions:

What does the laser treatment feel like?

Low-level lasers are also known as cold lasers because they don’t generate heat during use. The goal isn’t to create heat but to stimulate cellular activity, increasing energy production for healing and repair. During treatment, most people experience little to no sensation, though some may notice mild warmth due to increased blood flow in the targeted area. Many patients report reduced pain, improved range of motion, and a calming, relaxing effect during and immediately after the session. It’s important to remember that the true benefits of laser occur over time with each follow-up treatment.

Is laser therapy covered by insurance?

No. Laser is not covered by major medical insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid.

What is the cost of laser treatment?

$20.00 per treatment at Flynn Chiropractic.

How many treatments do I need?

It depends on the severity of your pain, the level of inflammation and swelling, and how long the complaint has been present.

Can everyone use laser therapy?

Laser use is to be avoided:

  • In those with cancer or a history of cancer
  • A fever higher than 100.4°
  • Near a pacemaker or other electrical medical implants
  • Over a recent steroid injection
  • In those with epilepsy or a history of seizures, the pulsed light may trigger a seizure.
  • If you are breastfeeding, pregnant, or think you might be pregnant. This device has not been tested on pregnant women and the effects of using the device while pregnant or breastfeeding are unknown.
  • Sensitivity to light or heat. Certain medications, soaps, cosmetics, foods, supplements, and other conditions can make you more sensitive to light or heat.